Friday, August 24, 2007


A couple of weeks ago I had to go to Boston for work. Unfortunately, I was unable to travel alone, and the Annoying Attorney and Indian Princess joined me. These two like to hear the sound of their own voice, so it was not so bad, in that they kept each other entertained. However AA left on Tuesday afternoon, leaving me alone with IP on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning.

IP did her best to try and find out about me, what is my story kinda questions, and being just overall annoying. I should have asked her to just be quiet, and if I wanted to share about myself I would. Well, she decided to share things about other people she knows in a hope to get me to feel comfortable telling her things. Umm... okay, you want me to tell you a 'deep dark secret', yet here you are sharing others secrets with me? Sure..

Well, one of her friends secrets was just Too Much Information. It turns out one of her girlfrieds suffers from Sperm Allergy, so is allergic to her husbands sperm. She then went on to tell me the details, that she won't let the husband come near her unless he is double wrapped. I was just in shock. They are from a culture where there is supposed to be no premarital nookie, and no nookie outside of marriage, so the guy will always be wearing a rain coat. Even with the rain coat, there will be no oral invovled. Poor guy. I quickly switched the subject.

Well, earlier this week, she begins talking about it to me, asking me if I knew of any 'self pleasuring' techniques the husband might use to simulate some oral or regular intercourse so he can 'complete himself' as if it were real. So, I asked her if he was a good looking man. She said he was, so I told her, to give him my phone number, I would take care of him when his wife wouldn't/couldn't. She got disgusted, walked away, and hasn't talked to me since.

Seriously, why ask a horny gay guy that question and expect a different answer?

Monday, August 20, 2007

Team Players

Apparently, according to my boss, I am not a team player. I found this strange, as when it comes to work, I feel I very much am a team player. If a group needs a leader, I lead, if a group has a leader and needs contributors, I contribute.

So her saying this bothered me somewhat, so I asked around. Apparently, her definition of a team player is one who not only works well with others, but also plays well with others. Her definition of play well is go to lunch with the group every day, attend social functions with them when they chose to go out. I attempted to have lunch every now and again with the team, however, when ever I attempted to add to the conversation, they were not interested in hearing what I have to say. Besides, I don't love my job, so therefore, I like my hour break from everyone.

Last Friday we did a team building exercise, and we took a DiSC profile personality test (similar to the Meyers-Briggs). It showed that my boss and I don't get along very well on a social level or on a work level either. Wish they told me something I didn't know.
Anyway, I don't think I will be much more of a team player. Unless the team looks like this: